01 Kennis Carousel | Greater Rotterdam Living Lab
The first GRLL Kennis Carousel was held in Dordrecht last 15 November 2023 focused on Maasterras (Dordrecht) and Merwevierhaven (Rotterdam). The meeting was moderated by Audrey Esteban, TUD Postdoctoral Researcher and GRLL coordinator, and began with an introduction of the GRLL and the urban use cases by Ted Veldkamp, RUAS Lector and GRLL coordinator. This was followed by a presentation on the Merwevierhaven by Vera Konings from Gemeente Rotterdam and Maasterras by Berry Gersonius from Gemeente Dordrecht. After the presentations from the two gemeentes, researchers from the RED&BLUE, Delft University of Technology and Resilient Delta Initiative, presented their researches. Abdi Mehvar, TUD Postdoctoral Researcher, presented the stakeholder mapping research on Rotterdam and Dordrecht, a research led by Work Package 6 together with Work Package 5, Cees Oerlemans, TUD PhD researcher, presented his PhD dissertation research on flood risk, adaptation efforts and real estate development specifically buitendijk areas, graduating TUD Master student Louis Nelen presented findings of his thesis ‘Decision-making on local flood risk measures in area development in unembanked areas’, Johnathan Subramian GLUON at Resilient Delta Initiative presented the recently concluded RDI research ‘Action-Oriented Knowledge Integration Toward a future proof Maasterras’, and Audrey Esteban presented her research Where We Stand, an RDI grant funded kickstarter project, on collective introspection/self-inquiry method to understand stakeholder risk, vulnerability and resilience perception in the urban use cases in Rotterdam and Dordrecht.
In between the presentations were active discussions between and among the city government staff and the researchers. While the workshop part of the program was not implemented due to time constraints (delays, and the amount of presentations), the discussions in between were important to provide everyone on the table insights on what researches are currently happening on the ground and what else can be done. The day ended with a borrel at the Post, Dordrecht. The second GRLL Kennis Carousel is currently being planned for spring 2024.