Red&Blue Lab 10
On Friday the 23rd of February, Deltares hosted the 10th Red&Blue Lab at their headquarters in Delft. Marco Hoogvliet gave a brief introduction about Deltares itself. He explained that Deltares is a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation that reinvests its profit, when it has any, in its own organisation and ‘hardware’ such as the new ‘Deltagoot’ (this is the place where the highest artificial waves in the world can be generated, for instance, to test potential coastal structures). Afterwards, Marco Hoogvliet and Bart Rijken gave a presentation on real estate climate labelling. They elaborated on the different climate lables that are currently in use, how they are ‘constructed’ and what themes are included in these labels. A thorough discussion followed with the Red&Blue researchers about the sense and nonsense of real estate climate labelling in general and the effect it might have on property value in different locations. The word ‘Label-Fetish’ was jokingly founded by one of the researchers to describe the current ‘scramble for labels’ by different companies and organisations. In the afternoon, representatives from all seven Work Packages gave updates regarding their research and activities in general. The day ended with a very interesting tour through the research facilities of Deltares.