Publications & Activities
One of our ambitions in the Red&Blue project is to widely share our jointly produced knowledge with other scientists, practitioners, and society at large. Below we track of activities that our consortium took part in, including events, projects contributions, relevant news articles, and publications. This helps us to see where Red&Blue knowledge is being developed and shared and what consortium members have been up to. Beneath we provide these updates for the 2023. See something missing? Have questions? Let us know at
Scientific publications
WP1 Real Estate Climate Risk Management
Journal articles
- Pension fund investments in infrastructure by Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok and others in the Journal of Asset Management
- Climate change and commercial real estate: Evidence from Hurricane Sandy by Piet Eichholtz and others in the Journal of Real Estate Economics
- Climate adaptation in informal areas in hot arid climates by Zac Taylor and others in the Journal of Sustainable Development
- Financing “climate-proof” housing? The premises and pitfalls of PACE finance in Florida by Zac Taylor and others in the Journal of Urban Affairs
- Interrupted rhythms and uncertain futures: Mortgage finance and the (spatio-) temporalities of climate breakdown by Zac Taylor in the Journal of Urban Affairs
- Climate finance by Zac Taylor and others in the International Encyclopaedia of Geography
- Inhabiting Regional Geographical Practice in a Climate-Changing World by Zac Taylor in the Journal of Economic and Social Geography
- In Real Estate Investment We Trust: State De-Risking and the Ownership of Listed US and German Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts by Zac Taylor and others in the Journal of Economic Geography
Blog posts
- Risk-Rating and Networked Authority: A Climate Leviathan in Formation? by Zac Taylor and others at
WP2 Governance Arrangements
Journal articles
- Disaster Risk and Decision-Making by Art Dewulf and others in the Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazard Science
- Do government knowledge production and use systems matter for global climate change adaptation tracking? Insights from Eastern Africa by Art Dewulf and others in the Journal of Regional Environmental Change
- How does the UNFCCC enable multi-level learning for the governance of adaptation? by Art Dewulf and others in the Journal of International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
- A framework for reviewing laws and policies for climate resilience – The case of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta by Marleen van Rijswick and others in the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
- From creeping crisis to policy change: The adoption of drought preparedness policy in Brazil by Wieke Pot, Art Dewulf and others in the Journal of Water Policy
- Institutions for long-term problems: the influence of the Dutch Delta Programme on forward-looking climate adaptation responses at the local level by Wieke Pot, Art Dewulf and others in the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
- Deciding for resilience: Utilizing water infrastructure investments to prepare for the future by Wieke Pot in the Jounal of WIREs Water
- Kamerbrief ‘Water en Bodem sturend: Een papieren tijger uit de oude doos? by Frank Groothuijse in Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht
Blog posts
- Property, Property Rights, Natural Hazards and Beyond by Marleen van Rijswick and others in Homeowners and the Resilient City
- “Bouwbeperkingen in overstromings- en wateroverlastgevoelige gebieden; ambitieus, maar vooralsnog een wassen neus? Book chapter by Lilian van Karnenbeek en Frank Groothuijse
WP3 Physical Climate Risk & Resilience Analysis
Journal articles
- Modeled storm surge changes in a warmer world: the Last Interglacial by Jeroen Aerts and others in the Journal of Climate of the Past
- A look into our future under climate change? Adaptation and migration intentions following extreme flooding in the Netherlands by Hans de Moel, Jeroen Aerts and others in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
- Enabling dynamic modelling of coastal flooding by defining storm tide hydrographs by Hans de Moel, Jeroen Aerts and others in the Journal of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
- Impact-based seasonal rainfall forecasting to trigger early action for droughts by Hans de Moel, Jeroen Aerts and others in the Journal of Science of the Total Environment
- Flexibility for intergenerational justice in climate resilience decision-making: an application on sea-level rise in the Netherlands by Tina Comes and others in the Journal of Sustainability Science
- Measuring social resilience in cities: An exploratory spatio-temporal analysis of activity routines in urban spaces during Covid-19 by Tina Comes and others in the Journal of Cities
- Rise-up: Resilience in urban planning for climate uncertainty-empirical insights and theoretical reflections from case studies in Amsterdam and Mumbai by Tina Comes and others in the Journal of Cities
- A spatially-dependent synthetic global dataset of extreme sea level events by Toon Haer and others in the Journal of Weather and Climate Extremes
- Global Drought Risk in Cities: Present and Future Urban Hotspots by Hans de Moel and others in the Journal of Environmental Research Communications
WP4 Technical Climate Risk Management Strategies
Journal articles
- Economic optimization of coastal flood defence systems including storm surge barrier closure reliability by Ties Rijcken and others in the Journal of Flood Risk Management
- Storm surge barrier performance – the effect of barrier failures on extreme water level frequencies (submitted) by Martine van den Boomen and others
- A framework for assessing the remaining life of storm surge barriers by Martine van den Boomen and others in the Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Blog posts
- Samen Sterk – Op zoek naar alternatieven voor dijkversterking langs de benedenrivieren onder zeespiegelstijging by Ties Rijcken at
WP5 Knowledge Integration and Integrative Forum
Blog posts
- Climate Change is for Real (Estate) by Abdi Mehvar, Tom Daamen, Zac Taylor and Ellen van Bueren at
- Red&Blue: waarom betrouwbare beoordelingen van klimaatrisico’s in vastgoed nog ver weg zijn by Tom Daamen, Abdi Mehvar, Zac Taylor and Ellen van Bueren at
- Creating Actionable Climate Science for Urban Development by Abdi Mehvar, Tom Daamen and Zac Taylor at
WP6 Urban Use Cases
Journal articles
- Experimenting with collaboration in the Smart City: Legal and governance structures of Urban Living Labs by Ellen van Bueren and others in the Journal of Government Information Quarterly
Blog posts
- Report Workshop RED&BLUE: Amsterdam by Maged Elsamny and Gerben Mol at
- Sustained building in low-lying areas or not? by Martine van den Boomen, Audrey Esteban, Maged Elsamny, Vera Konings, Dana Huibers, Gerben Mol, Sascha Stolp, Kasper Spaan & Ellen van Bueren at and
WP7 Knowledge Utilization
- WP7 strategically positions Red&Blue as a thematic agenda within the dynamic landscape of evolving political doctrines and organizational agendas in the Netherlands. By orchestrating events, facilitating one-on-one engagements, disseminating newsletters, and maintaining the Red&Blue website, WP7 enhances the project’s relevance. Engaging with practitioners and policymakers further solidifies Red&Blue’s position. An illustrative example is the Deltaweek, where Ellen van Bueren, Paul Gerretsen, Henk Ovink, and Wieke Pot participated in policy discussions, as seen in “Toekomst van Delta’s: uitdagingen voor het beleid.” At the municipal level, WP7 establishes Red&Blue as a platform for discussions, research, and challenges on local issues. This is undertaken in collaboration with WP6, with the aim to spread the research and results with other municipalities of the Netherlands, learning from the Urban Use Cases of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Dordrecht. Through strategic positioning, WP7 reinforces the project’s impact and influence across various levels of knowledge development and broader engagement.
Collaborative Outputs
Journal articles
- Flood Vulnerability Models and Household Flood Damage Mitigation Measures: An Econometric Analysis of Survey Data by Hans de Moel, Jeroen Aerts, Matthijs Kok and others in the Journal of Water Resources Research
Blog posts
- Climate Change is for Real (Estate) by Abdi Mehvar, Tom Daamen, Zac Taylor and Ellen van Bueren at
- Red&Blue: waarom betrouwbare beoordelingen van klimaatrisico’s in vastgoed nog ver weg zijn by Tom Daamen, Abdi Mehvar, Zac Taylor and Ellen van Bueren at
- Creating Actionable Climate Science for Urban Development by Abdi Mehvar, Tom Daamen and Zac Taylor at
Other Red&Blue Related Outputs
Master Thesis Studies
- Dirk Jansen (Masters Thesis) ‘‘Land subsidence related damage to residential real estate and cost-effective adaptation strategies.’’ TU Delft.
- Louis Nelen (Masters Thesis) “Decision-making on local flood risk measures in area development in unembanked areas.” TU Delft.
- Linde van der Ven (Masters Thesis) ‘‘The effects of floods on residential property values.’’ TU Delft.
- Daniël Zantinge (Masters Thesis) “Navigating Risk to Resilience: Examining the impact of water risks on the investment decision-making process in polder-area development projects in the Netherlands.” TU Delft.
Activities of WP teams in 2023
External Events
- Annual Institutional Investor Conference was held in October 2023 in Boston which is an annual event bringing together leading institutional investors from around the world to discuss the industry’s latest developments and how to engage them. Our Red&Blue representative Nils Kok from Maastricht University joined this event.
- The Royal Geographical Society annual conference was held in September 2023 in London, bringing together international geographers. Zac Taylor co-organized two sessions on urban climate risk and finance research, and participated in a panel discussion about a new book on central banking and climate regulation.
- The 2023 Deltacongres was hosted in Groningen. Tom Daamen and others organized a session on climate adaptation and area development. Several Red&Blue colleagues contributed to various parallel sessions.
- Climate Risks & Opportunities in Real Assets seminar was held on June 20th, 2023 in Utrecht where our Red&Blue postdoc researcher Dongxiao Niu from Maastricht University presented her insights on climate risks management and investment to investment professionals.
- Kennisdag zoetwater en ruimtelijke adaptatie was held on September 28th in the Spoorwegmuseum of Utrecht. At this knowledge event our Red&Blue representative Wieke Pot from Wageningen University shared her insights within the theme ‘from long term urgency towards short term action’.
- KNAG Lustrumcongres ‘Ruimte voor transitie’ was held on June 9th, 2023 in TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht. Our Red&Blue postdoc researcher Lilian van Karnenbeek joined this event from Utrecht University and she presented her vision on the spatial future of The Netherlands in her spoken column.
- SAC Groningen: Kennisevent ‘Planologie door de jaren heen’ was held in Novemeber 2023 in Groningen. Lilian van Karnenbeek was one of the three keynote speakers at the event, next to Riek Bakker and Koos Veerman.
- Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies: A ‘System of Systems’ Approach Conference was held in November 2023 with the aim to elaborate understandings on the potentials and limitations of the ‘system of systems’ framework in explaining and analysing critical infrastructure interdependencies. Red&Blue PhD representative, Tony Hung from Maastricht University took part in the first panel of the day about Measuring & Controlling Critical Infrastructure, where he shared his perspective on ‘Measuring Resilience: A Systematic Meta-review’.
- Future Dutch Delta Symposium was held in September 2023 at Deltares, which was an event where scientific experts shared findings and forged bonds. The daylong programme offered thematic as well as regional focus, ranging from a historical account of the shaping of the Dutch landscape and soil systems by both climate change and human activity to expectations regarding freshwater availability in the near future. Multiple representatives from the Red&Blue consortium participated in the event.
- Drivers of climate risks in Europe: harmonizing research on impact attribution of past events This event was held in September 2023 in Potsdam Germany and brought together researchers working on different natural hazards and combined short presentations with moderated discussion and brainstorming focused on identifying common approaches, shareable datasets and best practices in the respective fields of research. Cees Oerlemans, our Red&Blue PhD researcher from TU Delft participated in this event.
- SKG Jaarcongres was held in March 2023 in Amersfoort as an annual event that brings together all relevant actors active in area development within The Netherlands. It was joined by, among others, Red&Blue postdoc researchers Abdi Mehvar, and WP6 lab coordinators; Maged Elsamny, and Audrey Esteban who co-organized a two-hour session entitled ‘‘Climate Adaptation and Area Development: Building in Low Lying Areas’’.
- Generation Delta Conference was held in November 2023 in Rotterdam. At this conference seasoned experts, and the next generation of changemakers gathered to merge their experiences and perspectives to help shape a collective legacy of resilience. Next to other Red&Blue representatives such as Zac Taylor, Mats Lucya Bayer and Abdi Mehvar, Audrey Esteban was one of the speakers and facilitators of ‘Where we stand: Collective self-inquiry in exploring communities’ experiences with climate change adaptation strategies in Rotterdam and Dordrecht’.
- Stadsmakerscongres 2023 was held in November 2023 in Rotterdam, an annual event where specific themes and spatial problems are connected to concrete initiatives, neighbourhoods and areas. Next to other Red&Blue representatives, Audrey Esteban was Table leader for the Rotterdam’s Urban Use Cases from WP6, where Paul Gerretsen from WP7 led the discussion.
- Cross-border climate change impacts and systemic risks in Europe and beyond was held in October in Potsdam Germany which was a conference that aims to bring together scientists across disciplines that work on approaches to better understand and respond/adapt to cross-border climate impacts and risks. Audrey Esteban participated and was one of the presenters at the event. See her contribution here.
- LDE Governance of Migration and Diversity Conference was held in April 2023 in hotel New York Rotterdam. The conference explored – from a host of angles – how cities can best prepare for a future characterized by high levels of mobility and a deepening of diversity. Audrey Esteban was one of the organisers and presenters of ‘Where’d my neighbor go? Understanding the perils of living in a climate vulnerable neighbourhood’.
- Social Inclusion in Water Climate Adaptation – Making a Transformation was held in September 2023 in Utrecht and brought together a hundred and fifty professionals from the water sector that pondered the question: What does it take to usher in a socially inclusive water future? Audrey Esteban facilitated at this event a workshop called ‘Understanding risk and resilience through collective introspection’.
- ODISSEI is the national infrastructure for Social Science in the Netherlands which was held on June 30th in Rotterdam and brought together PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and early career faculty interested in computational social science. Tony Hung was one of the participants.
- The KIN-Crutzen workshop was organized 9-11 October 2023 in Egmond aan Zee, with the theme “How can we accelerate climate transitions from an equity perspective?”. Using the ‘Open Space Technology’ method, representatives of key societal actors and stakeholders such as policymakers, civil society parties and scientists worked together to arrive at a mission-driven research program with the most significant possible impact. Abdi Mehvar, Audrey Esteban, Maged Elsamny and Ted Veldkamp were the Red&Blue representatives in this workshop. The workshop led to a single proposal for a collaborative project on accelerating just neighborhood climate transitions in the Netherlands, to be initiated in 2024. Red&Blue colleagues will be involved in a Rotterdam case.
- ”Maasterras als zelfvoorzienende shelterlocatie” A series of Kennisateliers were organized by the Resilient Delta Initiative and Municipality of Dordrecht in Feb and May, 2023. Audrey Esteban participated in this workshop. The outputs from this project can be found here.
- The 9th Trifels Summer School series was organized by the Technical University of Darmstadt – the LOEWE center emergenCITY and the Research Training Group KRITIS – and took place September 25-29 in Annweiler am Trifels. Tony Hung participated in this summer school.
- 182nd Dies Natalis and Delta Week was held at TU Delft and (co-)organized by WP7 in January 2024 on the theme ”Redesigning deltas”. Multiple representatives from the Red&Blue team participated in this week’s activities. Ties Rijcken gave a presentation on “21st Century Delta Works” at an event organized by the Delft Climate Action Program.
- During Delta Week, Zac Taylor and others participated in a discussion on knowledge innovation for climate adaptive and flood-proof new area development at the TU Delft Green Village. The day focused on the Dordrecht Maasterras case. More information can be found here.
- During the Delta Week, Ellen van Bueren, Paul Gerretsen, Wieke Pot, Henk Ovink and others participated in a policy discussion titled “Toekomst van Delta’s: uitdagingen voor het beleid” which can be watched here.
- Nationaal Klimaatweek was held in the Hague in November 2023 in which Audrey Esteban was speaker and facilitator of workshop ”Understanding risk and resilience through collective introspection”.
- Summer school ”Planning and Design for the Just City” was held on 11 July 2023 in Delft. Audrey Esteban lectured on climate change and climate gentrification and facilitated the workshop on collective self-inquiry/introspection.
Red&Blue Events
- Red&Blue Annual Symposium #1 was held in September 2022 in Valkenburg as the first Red&Blue annual event in collaboration with Maastricht University, on the topic of real estate-finance climate risks in the Netherlands. Over 80 highly engaged participants attended this symposium focusing on internal consortium collaboration processes, and state of real estate-finance climate risk governance in the Dutch context.
- Red&Blue Annual Symposium #2 was co-hosted by the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam and Regional waterauthority Amstel, Gooi en Vecht (at headquarters Waternet) in Amsterdam. More than sixty representatives across the academic and professional fields came together to reflect on the first year of the Red&Blue program, to look ahead to the future of our five year initiative, with an eye on keeping our urbanized Dutch delta liveable and vibrant in the decades to come.
- ”Too Risky to Build” was a public event at ”Rotterdam Architecture Month” organized by the Red&Blue team and (co-)organized by WP7 in June, 2023. Focusing on ”Unpacking the Challenge of Urban Development in Rotterdam’s Un-embanked Areas”, this seminar hosted four panel members, and more than 60 attendees and experts from different fields of expertise (e.g., real estate insurance; finance; area development; flood risk management, etc.)
- Kennis carousel #1: The Greater Rotterdam Living Lab (GRLL) team kick-started their series of workshops and discussions on the urban use cases in Rotterdam and Dordrecht called the ‘kennis carousels’ with the aim to bring the work packages under the Red&Blue project closer to the cities in general and the urban use cases in particular. First session was held at City of Dordrecht in November 15 with the Red&Blue PhD and Postdoc fellows and some invited experts from the Municipality of Dordrecht and external researchers with case studies in the Rotterdam Greater area.
- A knowledge production workshop was co-organized in September 2023 in AMS Institute, in collaboration with colleagues from the methodology team of the Resilient Delta Initiative to explore- together with the Red&Blue academic leads, the program’s knowledge production process by reflecting on and honoring the existing efforts of this challenging task.
- A session on ESG was organized in September 2023 in AMS Institute by the Amsterdam Urban Use Case team to understand the language of investors and private partners, and their motivations to be involved in urban climate risk challenges.
- “Research pathways: Workshop with partners in Amsterdam” was organized by the Amsterdam Urban Use Case team in June 2023, which brought the Red&Blue partners together to co-create a research pathway through prioritizing the research questions and selecting specific areas in Amsterdam.
- Red&Blue Focal Point Meeting #1 was co-hosted by Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors in March 2023 in Amsterdam, which focused on the challenges of mapping real estate asset values at risk due to climate change. Eighteen partners from different fields of expertise in research and practice exchanged their views on the topic of climate risk assessment for the built environment.
- Red&Blue Labs are monthly programs of interactions (co-)organized by WP7, intended to secure understanding and collaboration between PhD and postdoctoral researchers on a working level. This will ultimately contribute to all outcomes and outputs, as early career colleagues find alignment horizontally (with peers) in addition to guidance vertically (from supervisors/co-applicants). Six labs were organized and hosted by different partnered Institute in 2023.
Authors: Abdi Mehvar, Arthur Verwayen, Zac Taylor